Grafarkikja is a chapel at Gröf in Höfðaströnd in North Iceland. This church is the oldest turf church and the only church in Iceland with a circular wall around the graveyard and the church. Parts of the current church dated back to the 17th century. Grafarkikja is a part of the Natiional Museum of Iceland's Historic Building Collection.
The first church in Mosfell was build in the 12th century. This site continues to be the site of a church and rectory for centuries, excluding the period 1888-1965. The current church was build in 1965 with its facades and roofs in rectangular shape.
The Highlands of Iceland are a sparsely inhabited plateau that covers most of the interior of Iceland. They are situated 1300–1600 feet above the sea level and are mostly an uninhabitable volcanic desert, because the water precipitating as rain or snow infiltrates so quickly into the ground that it is unavailable for plant growth. (Source: Wikipedia)
Hjálparfoss is one of several waterfalls in the south of Iceland situated in the lava fields north of the stratovolcano Hekla near the point where the rivers Fossá and Þjórsá join. (Source: Wikipedia)
The Byodo-In Template is a non-denominational Buddisht temple located in O'ahu Island. It was dedicated in August 1968 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the first Japanese immigrants to Hawaii.
The temple is a replica of a 900-year old Buddhist temple at Uji in Kyoto Prefecture of Japan.
Pasadena Chalk Art Festival is an American cultural event of street painting. It was founded in 1993. The festival is held annually in downtown within Paseo Pasadena. During this festival, artists created temporary masterpieces in chalk on the streets, including original works, masterpiece recreations, movie posters and iconic scenes recreations, 3D realistic works, animation art, modern abstractions, and more. In 2010, the Pasadena Chalk Festival was officially named the Largest Display of Chalk Pavement Art by Guinness World Records (Source: Wikipedia).
Merced National Wildlife Refuge hosts the largest wintering population of lesser sandhill cranes and Ross's geese within the Pacific Flyway. Each autumn over 20,000 cranes and 60,000 arctic geese terminate their annual migrations from Alaska and Canada to make the refuge home for six months (Source: Wikipedia).